Wednesday night when Andy got home from work we sat down in the front room to just talk. We put Noah in his bouncer to play while we talked. He kept looking back and forth at me and Andy as we talked. It was really cute. Then all the sudden he just looked Andy straight in the face and did not even crack a smile. Andy said to him " Are you mad at me bud?" He just kept looking at Andy then I tried to talk to him. I said " Are you going to smile? Do you want to get out of your bouncer?" Then right after that he just laid his head down and went to sleep. Not a peep came out of him. Then Andy looked at me like what the crap just happened???? So we both jumped to make sure he was breathing. It seriously looked like he passed out. :( I guess he was to tired to even cry. Well, he was breathing apparently just really tired. We took him out and of course fought who got to snuggle him. Andy won...... :( He seriously is such a good little boy and maybe loves that bouncer a little too much!! The other day I found myself wanting to wake Noah up from his nap to play with him. I can't believe he is 6 months old already. We are so lucky to have him in our lives!!
I just love him. He is so stinking cute. That is hilarious! :)
Oh, I went private on my blog, so let me know your email address and I will add you
It's about freiking time! I thought you were lost and stopped checking your blog for a while! Your boy is so cute. I can't believe it's been 6 months! It seems like just yesterday you were waddling down the hospital halls! Sounds like you are enjoying little Noah.
My little Kiley is 9 weeks now...crazy! I have to come back to work in three short weeks. Sucks. She is a little cutie... she's starting to smile more and cry less. There's a ton of pics on my blog of her, check it out! I guess I'll see you soon!
He's so cute. He is getting big, it's crazy it's already been 6 months!
That is quite the bouncer. No wonder he loves it so much. He must have been one tired little guy. He's definitely a keeper!
Super cute blog! Your little Noah is DARLING!
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