Saturday, September 18, 2010

Baby Pitcher

Well, we are having another baby..... I am due April 11, 2011. We are very excited! I had my first doctors appointment and everything went well. Not going to lie but I am hoping for a girl.. ;) But if we have a boy I will live, and Noah will have a bud! LOL


Alyssa said...

congrats Michelle! I'm so excited for you.

Cassidy said...

congrats!!! SO exciting!!!

Chris and Leslie said...

Yeah, that is so exciting! Congrats!

The Clark's said...


Jolayne said...

YAY!!! I can't wait for baby Pitcher to get here! I'm secretly hoping for a girl too!;) haha It was so good seeing you Michi. Love you! So grateful and lucky to have you in my life!

Jamie said...

Yay! :o)

EricNatBritt said...

Oh Michelle! I am so excited for you guys! That is the best! I hope you are feeling good!

Bella Announcements said...

WOW! Congrats! That is so awesome! I loved having Brooklyn in April!

(This is Kami and Rich by the blog posts under my business account for some reason!)

Natalie said...


Charlatta said...

I am sooo happy for you!! I want a girl too, but if it's a boy then you make freaking cute boys soo either way! :) LOVE YOU

Christina Olson said...

Congrats Michelle!!! I'm so excited for you:)

The Kaspers of Logan said...

YAY for baby Pitcher!

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