Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My ONE and ONLY pregnant photo

I really did not want to post a picture of me while I was pregnant. But my mom talked me into it. She told me to be grateful I was pregnant. I am grateful I just feel enormous is all!! I feel like I have no control of my body. I have not let anyone take any pictures of me since I got pregnant so this is a huge step for me!! HAHA


Jamie said...

Michelle! You are absolutely SO cute prego-- seriously!!! Have no shame! In a few weeks you will be back to normal with lil' Noah in your arms! I'm sure it will be totally worth it! :)

Bryce and Lacey said...

you look absolutely darling! ENJOY it!! I know that sounds stupid when you hate your body but you look so cute and remember how lucky you are!!

The Clark's said...

Michelle you look so cute! Plus after you have Noah you can always look back and remember what it was like being pregnant. You have to have at least one pregnant picture!

Natalie said...

You're so freakin cute! I loved being pregnant, enjoy it! You will miss it!

The Douglas's said...

I love it. seriously you look so dang cute, and I am so excited for you!!!

Lee and Emilie Wilson said...

Michelle~ you are so cute, just wait until that little boy is in your arms and you won't care how you look.

Ryan & Amber said...

Finally a picture of your cute pregnant self. You have to take more pics so you can look back at them. You look great!

Unknown said...

you look so cute!!

Cassidy said...

you do look stinking cute. almost there. Aren't you dying to see wheat he will look like. That is what always drove me crazy about being pregnant.

Andy and Mallory: said...

You look great! I know you don't feel great and you probably hate everybody telling you that you look good when you feel like a whale. At least I did. Just remember, it's all worth it in the end and you will, for the most part, forget all of the bad things about it.

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